In May, our club toured the Johnson County Crime Lab in Olathe.  The tour started with a detailed presentation where we learned about how they process crime scenes, provide identification services through fingerprinting or DNA samples, and much more!  After the presentation, we were given a tour of the facility, including the lab where they extract fingerprints and the weapons rooms they use for doing ballistics testing of hand guns and rifles!  
Amy Scrivner from BikeWalkKC was our guest speaker at our club meeting on June 11th.  Amy shared how BikeWalkKC works with city and state transportation leaders to create safe and accessible biking and walking resources to be shared by ALL folks in our community by focusing on 5 key areas: Education, Policy & Advocacy, Community Planning, Data & Research, and their Ride KC Bike Share program.  You can learn more about BikeWalkKC by visiting their website at
To celebrate our 2023-2024 Rotary year (runs July through June), we held our year-end club party at Shadow Glen in Olathe!  In addition to the good food and great fellowship, we reflected back on some key projects/activities our club was involved in which included:
  • Welcomed 4 new members into our club!
  • Harvester's Community Food Network (donated 50 dinner boxes at Thanksgiving)
  • Ronald McDonald House (cooked dinner for guests staying at RMH)
  • Johnson County Christmas Bureau (20 club members and friends/family volunteered!)
  • Hope House (collected and donated items for families utilizing their services)
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace (donated $3,000 to build 12 beds for kids in our KC community; club members also volunteered during the build event)
  • Flourish Furniture Bank (donated $1,000 to help with delivery truck repairs after their truck was stolen and recovered with damage)
  • and MUCH more!
Lastly, as Club President for the past 2 years, I want to, once again, say THANK YOU to our outgoing Board members who supported our club these past 2 years!  I certainly could not have done it without you - nor would I have wanted to!  I also want to, again, welcome our new Club President, A.W. Pickel, and his 2024-2025 Board!  I'm excited to see what their leadership will help us accomplish as a club during the 2024-2025 Rotary year! - Matt