We had a great turnout this week at our 2022 club holiday party! A special THANK YOU to our District Governor Stephanie Meyer and her husband Bryan for joining us as well!
Our club has had some nice growth over the past few months and we were able to officially welcome a few of our new members at the party:
- Colleen recently transferred into our club. Colleen shared she is looking forward to getting more involved in local community service projects with our other club members! Welcome Colleen!
- We also welcomed Becky and Rob into the club. Becky is a Past President of the former Johnson County Rotary Club. Becky's husband, Rob, is a new Rotarian that has heard all of the great things Rotary does and he is excited to be part of that! Welcome Becky & Rob!
- Diane also recently joined our club. Diane is the wife of A.W., another WJCR club member. Diane was previously a member of the former Sunset Rotary Club and she has been actively involved with our club at meetings and special events for a while now! Welcome, Diane!
Lastly, we presented Marla with her Level 5 Paul Harris Fellow pin! Rotarians have the option of contributing funds to the Rotary International Foundation, PolioPlus, etc. As their lifetime contributions increase, they achieve different levels as a PHF. Congratulations, Marla!